Bacterial Products


Cevturk Bacterial Products gets its essence from nature. The basis of our products lies in the micro-organisms that exist in nature for over millions of years. The solutions from nature do not harm the environment like chemical products. Over time, the uses of micro-organisms were found to be more successful than the chemical methods. The bacterial products can be used effectively in many areas where chemical products do not provide any solution.



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  • Clogging problems prevented
  • Accumulated fat in fat traps converted to CO2 and Water,  cleaning period is extended.
  • H2S corrosion is prevented in all installations.
  • Mobile toilets are broken debris. Odor problems are cut off.
  • The permeability of septic tanks increased. Odor problems are eliminated.
  • For manual cleaning, long lasting effects of bacteria inaccessible points .
  • Prevented blockages in shower drainages. The odor neutralizing ingredient destroys odors instantaneously.
  • Increases the efficiency of the waste water treatment plant in case of there is an treatment plant at the end of installation.
  • The application is very economic and simple. In their field minimum occupational safety risk. Does not contain harmful and toxic chemicals.
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Very efficient solution for the kitchen drainage, grease traps. The cleaning with chemicals needs to be address physically to  the waste. Çevtürk 58 without the need for any physical process starts to destroy the waste. Prevents blockage at some forward point in more difficult to reach places. Extends the cleaning period.  

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This microorganism and enzyme mixture converts the wastes in septic tanks, pumping, pumping wells, manholes. Extends the period of cleaning septic tanks.

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Enables rapid startup biological treatment plants.  Increases the efficiency of waste water treatment systems. Prevents odor problems from decomp. Increases the Operating performance and growth of bacteria.